Covid 19 policy

COVID 19 Policy


We are regularly reviewing our Covid 19 policies & practices as frequently as they are updated, to ensure that we keep you & us all as safe as we humanly can.


This guidance policy is inspired by the UK Government Publication Website:


To reduce the risk of infection with COVID 19, Mulberry Bush Montessori is implementing the following rules and action plans.


Mulberry Bush Montessori is also continuing our practice regarding of deep cleaning and disinfecting the nursery.


This policy will be updated regularly following UK Government, Scottish Government, Glasgow, local authority and the Care Inspectorate guidelines and updates.


All Parents are to update their Personal Care plans for their child before returning to the nursery & at regular intervals as requested to ensure the information that we have on your child is up to date.


Parents, please make sure that you keep yourself & other safe by observing social distancing from others – thank you!


  1. We ask that parents drop off their child outside with us at either the door or around the back during drop off and pick up. Please observe social distancing from other parents whilst waiting to be met by a member of staff.


  1. No parents will be allowed in the building unless absolutely necessary to keep the footprint in the building & thus the spread of infection to an absolute minimum.


  1. Before buzzing the front door, please ensure you use the hand sanitizer at the door to clean your own and your child’s hands, then push the door with elbow/sleeve.


To minimise the spread of infection, extra precautionary steps will be taken


  1. Children’s hands are to be cleaned on arrival at the nursery (by parents), before and after sneezing or coughing


  1. Children and staff are encouraged to wash their hands regularly and avoid contact with their eyes and noses.



Please use our Mulberry Bush Montessori gree bag provided by the nursery for your child’s daily belongings.



  1. Messy play will be allowed in bubbles to reduce the risk of spreading (water, sand, playdough and shaving foam etc)


  1. All unnecessary soft toys and cushions will be removed from the rooms.


  1. We will minimise the number of toys and resources on display in the playrooms. These toys will be cleaned on a daily basis.


  1. Toys and resources will be rotated and be cleaned before putting them away.


  1. Children are encouraged not to bring with them any toys from home, unless needed for the child settling in.


  1. Feedback and all sort of communication will be done at pick up


  1. Parents are to fill in medication forms online prior to coming to the nursery to give consent for the medicine to be administered and when and if the child takes the medicine, it will be recorded.


  1. Children will use the outdoors facilities that are with us, as well as base camp at Forest School, we ask that you kindly to provide us with weatherproof trousers to be able to spend time in the garden.


  1. We will not keep any communal spare clothes for the children, so we ask that all parents ensure you have a change of clothes for your child to be kept in the nursery at all times which will be kept in their green bag.


  1. Only one nappy will be changed at a time in the changing room. After each use of the changing room all surfaces will be wiped as is our infection control policy.


  1. We will ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach


  1. Staff will ensure that touched surfaces are cleaned more often, using standard products, such as detergents.


  1. Dummies/comforters will be cleaned regularly as is our good practice & policy.


  1. PPE are to be used when and where appropriate as per our guidelines.


  1. In case of a child or a member of staff showing symptoms of COVID-19, we will follow guidelines (check appendix 1). Parents can then choose to self-isolate for 14 days (fees are to be paid in full) or get tested. If the test result comes back negative, we need a proof of the negative test to keep in our record. This can be done by providing a screenshot. If the result is positive, please follow government guidelines. (Check appendix 2)


  1. Staff will work within groups and will have staggering tea breaks and lunch breaks. Arrangement are in place.


  1. If Centre Managers are unable to attend, Depute Mangers are to fill their role as Acting Managers. I


  1. If Centre Managers & Depute Mangers are unable to attend, Mairi Clark & Room Managers will fill their role as Acting Managers.


  1. Staff rooms & any area staff use for breaks, will be cleaned and tidied up at all times, staff are able to use communal cutlery & crockery as long as everything is washed in the dishwasher & nothing left laying outside after use.


For cleaning and hygiene:


  1. Follow the COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance


  1. Ensure that sufficient handwashing facilities are available. Where a sink is not nearby, provide hand sanitizer in the room and other learning environments
  2. Clean surfaces that children and young people are touching, such as toys, books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets, light switches, bannisters, more regularly than normal.
  3. Ensure that all adults and children:


  1. Ensure that help is available for children and young people who have trouble cleaning their hands independently
  2. Consider how to encourage young children to learn and practise these habits through games, songs and repetition.
  3. Ensure that bins for tissues are emptied throughout the day
  4. Where possible, all spaces should be well ventilated using natural ventilation (opening windows), which may result in a cooler atmosphere in the nursery, please provide layers for the children and make sure all is clearly marked with their name.
  5. Prop doors open, where safe to do so (bearing in mind are safety and safeguarding), to limit use of door handles and aid ventilation
  6. Following advice from the UK government website, there is no need for anything other than normal personal hygiene and washing of clothes following a day in an educational or childcare setting.






































Appendix 1


What happens if someone becomes unwell at Mulberry Bush Montessori?


If anyone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature whilst with us at Mulberry Bush Montessori, they will be sent home and advised to follow


If a child is awaiting collection, they will be moved, if possible, to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door, depending on the age of the child and with appropriate adult supervision if required. Ideally, a window should be opened for ventilation.


If it is not possible to isolate them, we will move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people. If they need to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected the bathroom will be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.


PPE will be worn by staff caring for the child while they await collection as a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained.


In an emergency, call 999 if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk. Do not visit the GP, pharmacy, urgent care centre or a hospital.


If a member of staff has helped someone who was unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, they do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms themselves (and in which case, a test is available) or the child subsequently tests positive (see ‘What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in a setting?’ below). They should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell. Cleaning the affected area with normal household disinfectant after someone with symptoms has le will reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people. See theCOVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance.



Appendix 2


What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in Mulberry Bush Montessori?


When a child or staff member develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus, they will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members will self-isolate for 14 days.


All staff & children who attend an education or childcare setting will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus and are encouraged to get tested in this scenario.


Where the child or staff member tests negative, they can return to their setting and the fellow household members can end their self-isolation.


Where the child or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class or group within their childcare or education setting will be notified.


The Care Inspectorate will also be notified and we will follow their instructions.


This policy will continue to remain in place until we are assured that the pandemic of COVID-19 has passed as advised by the World Health Organisation, Scottish Government, NHS & Care Inspectorate.


Yours sincerely


Mairi Maciver Clark

MD & Principal

Mulberry Bush Montessori

Killearn & Yorkhill


Nursery of the Year, NDNA Scotland 2018



November 2020